Sobni termostati

LPC-2.DP1B | LCD sobni termostat (T, 3-stopenjski ventilator)
- Room temperature measurement
- 2 push buttons for temperature set point
- 2 push buttons for manual fan speed, auto and controller off
- LCD intensity control
- Economic function
- 2/4 pipe heating cooling system supported
- Balcony door and window function
- Color LCD display with background picture customization possibility
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.DP1BH | LCD sobni termostat z meritvijo relativne vlažnosti (T/RH, 3-stopenjski ventilator)
- Room temperature and relative humidity measurement
- 2 push buttons for temperature set point
- 2 push buttons for manual fan speed, auto and controller off
- LCD intensity control
- Economic function
- 2/4 pipe heating cooling system supported
- Balcony door and window function
- Color LCD display with background picture customization possibility
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.DP2B | LCD sobni termostat (T)
- Room temperature measurement
- 2+2 push buttons for temperature set point
- LCD intensity control
- Economic function
- 2/4 pipe heating cooling system supported
- Balcony door and window function
- Frost protection function
- Color LCD display with background picture customization possibility
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.DP2BH | LCD sobni termostat z meritvijo relativne vlažnosti (T/RH)
- Room temperature and relative humidity measurement
- 2+2 push buttons for temperature set point
- LCD intensity control
- Economic function
- 2/4 pipe heating cooling system supported
- Balcony door and window function
- Frost protection function
- Color LCD display with background picture customization possibility
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.P01V | LED sobni termostat (T, 3-stopenjski ventilator)
- Room temperature measurement
- 2 push buttons for temperature set point
- 1 push button for manual fan speed, auto and controller off
- LED intensity control
- Economic function
- 2/4 pipe heating cooling system supported
- Balcony door and window function
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.P02V | LED sobni termostat (T)
- Room temperature measurement
- 2 push buttons for temperature set point
- LED intensity control
- Economic function
- 2/4 pipe heating cooling system supported
- Balcony door and window function
- Frost protection function
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount
Stekleni LCD panel za nadzor temperature, 3-stopenjskega ventilatorja in RFID kontrolo pristopa

LPC-2.DT3 | LCD sobni termostat (T, 3-stopenjski ventilator), RFID Mifare čitalec za kontrolo pristopa in odložilnik kartic, 8-kanalno tipkalo na dotik
- Frameless glass screen with LCD
- 8 capacitive touch buttons
- 8 blue LED, one on each touch button
- 8 rectangular symbols to show on/off status on the LCD
- Integrated ISO/IEC 14443 A/MIFARE RFID UID reader
- Possibility to use as card access or card holder – supplied with two different plastic covers for RFID slot
- Integrated temperature and light sensor
- LCD intensity control
- Color LCD with possibility of background picture changing and status symbols size changing
- Buzzer for touch beep signalization or other signalization which is controlled from PLC program
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount or screw mount
RFID kontrola pristopa

LPC-2.CA1M | RFID Mifare čitalec za kontrolo pristopa s prikazom statusov sobe OCC/DND/MUR/SOS
- RFID reader
- LEDs for showing activated messages & requests: occupied, do not disturb, room service, SOS
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.CA2M | RFID Mifare IP65 čitalec za kontrolo pristopa s prikazom statusov sobe OCC/DND/MUR/SOS
- RFID reader
- LEDs for showing activated messages & requests: occupied, do not disturb, room service, SOS
- IP65 housing for outdoor mounting
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Screw mount

LPC-2.CH1M | RFID Mifare odložilnik kartic z aktivacijo statusov sobe OCC/DND/MUR
- RFID reader
- RFID card slot
- LEDs for showing activated messages & requests: do not disturb, room service
- 2 push buttons for activating messages & requests: do not disturb, room service
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.CR1M | RFID Mifare čitalec kartic za kontrolo pristopa
- RFID reader
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.CR2M | RFID Mifare IP65 čitalec za kontrolo pristopa
- RFID reader
- IP65 housing for outdoor mounting
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Screw mount
Prostorski senzorji za temperaturo, vlažnost in kakovost zraka

LPC-2.AQ1 | Prostorski senzor kvalitete zraka (VOC)
- Air quality sensing module
- DIP switch configurable RS-485 address
- Status LEDs for IR and RS-485 communication
- Flush mount

LPC-2.TH1 | Prostorski senzor za temperaturo in relativno vlažnost (T/RH)
- Room temperature measurement
- Room relative humidity measurement
- Flush mount
Infrardeči oddajnik in daljinski upravljalnik

LPC-2.IR2V | IR multisenzor (T/RH, IR, lux)
- Room temperature and relative humidity measurement
- Lux sensor for light intensity measurement
- IR receive/transmit
- Programmable IR transceiver
- RC-5 IR protocol receiver
- Daikin, Toshiba, Hitachi, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, LG IR protocol transmitter
- Flush mount

LPC-2.RC1S | IR daljinski upravljalnik
- IR command transmitter
- Robust design
- Designed for building automation
Stikala za upravljanje

LPC-2.DT1B | LCD 4-kanalno stikalo s tipkami
- 4 push buttons to switch light on/off
- 4 light symbols to show lights on/off status
- Temperature measurement
- LCD intensity control
- Color LCD display with background picture customization possibility
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount

LPC-2.DT2 | LCD 4-kanalno tipkalo na dotik
- 8 capacitive touch buttons
- 8 blue LED, one on each touch button
- 8 rectangular symbols to show on/off status on the LCD
- LCD intensity control
- Color LCD with possibility of background picture changing and status symbols size changing
- Buzzer for touch beep signalization or other signalization which is controlled from PLC program
- Available in black or white colour finish
- Flush mount or screw mount

LPC-2.SM5 | Multisenzor (IR, lux, PIR, CO2)
- CO2 sensor for CO2 measurement
- PIR sensor for occupancy detection
- Lux sensor for light intensity measurement
- IR receive/transmit
- Mounting with integrated magnets or screws

LPC-2.SM6 | Multisenzor (IR, lux, PIR, VOC)
- VOC sensor for VOC measurement
- PIR sensor for occupancy detection
- Lux sensor for light intensity measurement
- IR receive/transmit
- Mounting with integrated magnets or screws

LPC-2.SM7 | Multisenzor (IR, lux, T)
- IR matrix sensor for temperature measurement
- Lux sensor for light intensity measurement
- IR receive/transmit
- Mounting with integrated magnets or screws